Winterberry Farm

~ The Farm that Feeds the Soul

(Activating Your Core Potential)
Early Bird
May 16 -18
May 30, 31, June 1
June 6 - 8
June 20 - 22
July 25 - 27
August 8 -10
September 12-14
September 26-28
October 3 - 5
October 10 - 12
Are you ready to uplevel your life? Live more joyfully, more abundantly,
more healthy, more vibrantly?
Do you ever feel stuck? Anxious? Angry? Depressed? Helpless?
Ever think to yourself, “this isn’t how I envisioned my life?"
Ever feel swept away by everything going on around you?
Would you like to be a better role model for your kids? A more loving partner?
Ever found yourself asking, “What is my purpose?”
Do you ever think “There’s got to be more to life than this”?
Have you ever yearned for a deeper connection with your Soul or the Divine Nature that created you?
Wish you had tools to help navigate the ups and downs of life so you can stay more balanced, less reactive and live a healthier, more joy filled life?
Wellness is not just something that happens in our bodies, it is an intersection of our thoughts and emotions and how those impact our bodies. And how we think and feel is also Designed to help create a healthy, vibrant, joy-filled life, this weekend is designed to put you in touch with your authentic Self, the place inside of you where joy, wisdom, balance, loving, and wholeness reside.
Learn tools that assist you in finding that place and dropping into it on a more consistent basis. In a world full of noise that is constantly distracting us and fracturing our attention, you will learn how to get back to the wholeness of your true essence.
Traditionally wellness is approached by making healthy lifestyle choices on the physical level, things like eating nutritious foods, exercise, sleep... However, true wellness is the intersection of our thoughts, our feelings, our behaviors and our essence from which come our hopes and dreams.
As human beings we live on this planet we call home; however, we are infused with a Divine Spirit and purpose and unless we are honoring both, we are typically not la full, vibrant life.
Learn skills that will help you expand your mind and help you heal previous issues and challenges so that you can create the life you imagine for yourself.
This weekend will engage you at all levels: body, mind, heart, Spirit. We are whole beings and our mental and physical health and vitality are a reflection of how well we integrate and nurture all aspects or ourselves.
This rich weekend is overflowing with opportunity. Come prepared to learn by doing. It is experiential learning at its best. And, don’t be surprised if you have fun.
Winterberry Farm’s tranquility and beauty is the ideal nurturing environment.
Classes are limited to 20 participants so everyone has lots of hands-on, personal attention.
Skills you will learn…
Simple meditation
A nurturing morning practice to create more balance and well being
Practices successful people have used to transform their lives
How to create a map for a future that inspires you
Four powerful skills that can elevate all of your relationships
Tools to connect with your Inner Wisdom
This weekend is perfect for anyone wishing to live a healthier, more vibrant life..
* These teaching are not based on any religion and do not seek to change or indoctrinate anyone to any belief system.
How much...
$595 includes three full days plus nutritious, delicious meals
Meet your Teacher...
Hello, my name's Sabrina and I welcome you to my home.
I am passionate about Living Vibrantly! As a young child I
embraced all things creative and though I wanted to be an
artist, my parents encouraged me to get a practical job.
After graduating with a degree in speech communication,
I taught at a local college, worked at a newspaper and then
in retail marketing.
After several years of discontent, I moved to Los Angeles. While in acting class, my teacher shared some nuggets from Spiritual Psychology and I immediately saw the value for me in my life. My critical mind had been paralyzing me in all aspects of my life and particularly in my creativity. So, I enrolled in grad school to learn the principles of Spiritual Psychology and earn a master's degree while I was at it.
After two years of practicing the skills on myself and coaching classmates, I applied the skills to up level my own life after graduation. I became a real estate investor, jumped into sales and became a top-level producer by the end of my first month. I also volunteered to coach these skills in the largest women’s maximum security prison in the world where I witnessed the impact these tools had to change the women’s lives.
Wanting to learn more, I went to New York to study the CHRIS © Technique Cellular Harmonizing Reconstructive Integrative System a cutting edge program which teaches the principles of energy work. Three years later, I went back to my alma mater to complete the Soul-centered leadership program.
Upon graduating, I coached companies throughout the U.S. and abroad in sales process consulting while simultaneously going back to music, one of my first loves, to form a songwriting duo that performed around L.A., at festivals, and house concerts. My partner and I wrote and recorded two albums acquiring a devoted fan base.
After the release of our second album, my father suffered a stroke and I returned home to help out. Once I had settled back in Ohio I purchased Winterberry Farm and have spent the past five years restoring this exquisite 1830’s architectural masterpiece.
From the beginning I had the idea of bringing all of my loves together and making the farm a retreat center to feed the body, mind, and Spirit.
This past year I added to my training toolbox by going to India to study ancient healing practices at the Sattva Yoga Academy nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas. I became certified to teach all aspects of yoga including meditation, asana (poses), pranayama (breath work), kriya (energy work), mantra (rebalancing using sound), and Satsung (wisdom). These ancient healing practices have brought balance and wellness to people for centuries.
As a teacher, it is my honor to serve by sharing tools and principles that have brought great value to my life. I am Blessed to be able to share them with you at my beloved farm.
I look forward to sharing the journey.
In Gratitude, Sabrina