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A New Dawn at Winterberry Farm!

I'm excited to say... Winterberry Farm is entering its next phase of evolution!  This has been in my mind since the beginning, but took considerable work and planning to get to.

All around it seems the world is in turmoil.  I have been asking myself for some time, what can I do that could possibly make a difference?  The answer I've been getting inside is to share the teachings which have been so vital to me; teachings which changed my life.

I left Tiffin after college and several years of work because I just wasn't happy.  My Spirit was calling me to discover more. I was smart, with a great deal of potential, but inside I was scared and closed off.  I led a very small life, afraid to make mistakes, and highly critical of myself in everything I did.  My mind was strong and sharp but more often than not, debilitating. 

While pursuing my creative endeavors in Los Angeles, I crossed paths with the University of Santa Monica which offered a master's degree in Spiritual Psychology.  I wasn't looking to go back to school but something about the teachings I had been exposed to resonated deep within me.  My wise, inner voice knew that my life needed to go in this direction and so, I enrolled and went through the two best and most challenging years of my life. 

I came alive in ways that I had never experienced before.  I started dreaming bigger, taking more risks, seeing my limited thinking, challenging myself in ways I never had before, and living more fully in every way.  My life became more joyful, more vibrant, and I had a deeper appreciation of myself and the preciousness of my life.  I learned skills that I have used every single day of my life since and that I will until I take my last breath.  

I developed a deeper relationship with myself (which I didn't even know I had back then), a connection to my inner knowing, and a connection to Divine source. And, I watched over and over as my classmates lives transformed as well.  

It was the first time in my life I had experienced such authenticity both in myself and with other people.  The level of communication was profound.  My relationships with my classmates are as deep and authentic today, these 24 years later.  My project team (a small team formed in the second year to support each other with our projects) began meeting again during COVID and has continued bi-monthly meetings for the past four years.  We have supported each other through our darkest moments and celebrated our greatest joys together. 

We came from different backgrounds, nationalities, religions, and political biases but the place we met was far beyond all of that. After all, we are all Divine Beings having a human experience. 

I share this with you simply to try and give you some sense of the enormity of this experience for me.  I have such gratitude for my teachers.  My life is better today because of their immaculate design of the program, the skills taught, and the amazing nurturing space they created when teaching.

Since that time, I have added to my tool kit with many additional trainings.  There's more information on the Blossom & Thrive tab in the Meet the Teacher section towards the bottom, if you're interested. 

I have always loved learning and I now know how critical it is to keep growing and expanding, especially when there is so much in our environment which can pull us down, mentally, emotionally and Spiritually which ultimately affects our physical well-being as well. 

From the moment I set foot on Winterberry Farm I felt its soothing energy and I knew this could be a place of nurturing and healing.  While farms are a place for growing and feeding the body, I knew Winterberry Farm would be a Farm that Feeds the Soul!

So, I am excited to announce the first class among what I hope will be many to come. I have spent a great deal of contemplation on designing a full weekend which will provide a complement of amazing skills and experimental learning to activate and vitalize the lives of those who join me. 

Well-being, wholeness, and vibrancy are the focus and I have chosen skills that work on the physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual levels to create a strong foundation for anyone wanting to up level their life in any way. That's why I am calling this the Blossom & Thrive Weekend - May 17-19.

Be held in the sacred space of Winterberry Farm as you reconnect with your Spirit.  Participants will be nurtured with delicious, nutritional meals are part of this weekend experience.  Time here on the farm will allow you to unwind, rejuvenate, invigorate, and contemplate.  This is "me" time at its best. Time to feed your Soul and meet like hearted individuals.

For more details and information click this link.  

My gratitude to you for your interest in the farm, for living your best life, and for helping to make this planet a better place!

If you have further questions, please email along with a phone number and I'll be happy to get back to you.

In Joy and Gratitude!



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